Scintacor Limited is pleased to announce the acquisition of the intellectual property, business name and physical assets of Photonic Science Limited on Tuesday 25th September 2018 by its newly formed group company, Photonic Science and Engineering Limited. Photonic Science Limited was formed in 1985 to design and develop scientific camera systems....
Traditionally, Scintacor has produced FOS caesium iodide (CsI) X-ray scintillators. These are made up of a layer of CsI deposited on a fibre-optic faceplate (FOP) and then coated over with a protective film. The faceplates are composed of compressed bundles of glass optical fibres which transfer the photons created in...
Scintacor were delighted to welcome Daniel Zeichner the Member of Parliament for Cambridge, to their facility last week. Ed Bullard CEO of Scintacor, and the team explained some of the high technology processes behind scintillator manufacturing. This photo highlights the pouring process involved in the preparation of Lithium-6 glass. The...
Scintacor is proud to collaborate with eXaminArt on the Nasa funded PIXI project to develop an in-situ high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (microCT) instrument to analyse geological samples on the surface of Mars. PIXI (Planetary In-situ X-ray Imager) is a microCT instrument concept intended for deployment to Mars, cometary nuclei, or other planets/planetesimals....
RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the global distributor for engineers, today announced the addition of the Scintacor “Visualize” range to its portfolio. Renamed last year as Scintacor and previously known as Applied Scintillation Technologies, the company’s wide range of products offers high levels of sensitivity...
Solid-State Neutron Detectors Project (SoNDe) 6-Lithium Enriched Glass Scintillators for High-Flux Neutron Radiography Scintacor is proud to have participated in this exciting project with Dr Ralf Engels and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science to provide Li-6 glass scintillators...