31st October –  7th November 2020 – Please drop by our Virtual Booth to find out about our latest Scintillator solutions for Medical, Security, and Research applications. Scintacor is the leading independent supplier of area scintillators for the conversion of different types of radiation into light. Our experience and expertise in...

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 27th March 1845 – 10th February 1923, was a German mechanical engineer and physicist, who, on the 8 November 1895 produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Roentgen rays, an achievement that earned him the...

Pixi (Planetary In-Situ X-ray Imager) projectScintacor is collaborating with eXaminArt, on the Nasa funded PIXI (Planetary In-Situ X-ray Imager) project to develop an in-situ high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (microCT) instrument to analyse geological samples on the surface of Mars. The instrument will double as an X-ray spectrometer to map the...

In this interview, AZoM talks to Ed Bullard and Martin Lewis, CEO and Principal Engineer at Scintacor respectively, about Scintacor, the company's products, capabilities, and vision for the future.   Ed Bullard: "We want to expand the range of products we offer. Moving beyond the specific dental X-ray market into...

Scintacor’s micro-columnar CsI as seen in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) - separate needles of CsI grow to form a structure that has light-guiding properties in the vertical direction.   Thallium doped micro-columnar Caesium Iodide (CsI) is a uniquely important material in the world of X-ray detection devices. For Scintacor...

Homeland Security – Optimization of Neutron Detection Module based on 6Li-Glass scintillator and an array of SIPMs –NRCN & Ben Gurion University Israel. Download Full Article NEUTRONS do not interact directly with electrons in matter; therefore, the mechanisms for detecting neutrons are based on indirect methods through nuclear reactions in converter...

As part of our contribution to the fight against COVID-19 Scintacor are repurposing 3D printers in our Cambridge facility to make face shields for local NHS healthcare workers. Scintacor would like to take this opportunity to thank all the NHS staff and essential workers!rs. If you would like to join this...

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