Large area Neutron detection screens offer excellent
neutron / gamma discrimination for low false detection rates.

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Nuclear Decommissioning

Neutron screens for nuclear decommissioning requirements. 

Our neutron screens are incorporated into imaging and detection systems for a variety of NDT applications including nuclear decommissioning projects. Neutron radiography is an advanced technique for NDT of materials and is an exact analogue of X-ray radiography.

Scintacor’s lithium-6 based products offer a high performance, spectrally matched, sensitive screen, for neutron detection.

Why Scintacor?

Our flexible manufacturing capabilities allow us to customise our products to meet the high performance demands of the NDT market. The resulting products allow you to choose the right level of performance that best suits your requirements and application. Talk to our expert team today to see how together we can deliver clever scintillation components customised to your needs.

Benefits & Features

  • Good gamma discrimination
  • Spectrally matched to CCD/CMOS devices for excellent imaging performance
  • High sensitivity


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+44 (0)1223 223 060

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125 Cowley Road
Cambridge Commercial Park
Cambridge, CB4 0DL
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1223 223 060